Sunday, 27 September 2020

Language Learning through TV, Children of Deaf Adults

 We were discussing children’s language development in our revision session, and I said I’d look up the references for the case study of a hearing child brought up with deaf parents, expected to learn language through TV alone. The reference is Bard & Sachs, with several articles to look at: abstracts can be found here: and here:

A readable summary and discussion of this situation is available here: — and it also makes a good model for the structure of a Language Investigation, which is our upcoming NEA in Year 2...

Monday, 22 June 2020

Language Resources from QMU

This is a great site of resources from Queen Mary University, suggested by our exam board AQA.

Much of it is aimed at teachers, but there's some great ideas for Language Investigations and great sources of further exploration and revision of the topics we study at A Level.

Especially valuable is the Glossary, with not only brief accounts of some key terms, but links to authentic recordings of speech with ready-made transcriptions! Wow.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

English Language Resources

Dear All,

Just a refresher in these strange times of the resources available here and elsewhere that will help you with your English Language studies.

The key place to look is down the right-hand column here. If you enter your email address at the very top, you can get alerts when a new post is added. I'll tend to occasionally post interesting links to this blog, but largely it archives several years of resources.

There's Search box (don't confuse it with the email box!) which will take you to relevant posts if you pop in a keyword.

The Language Links list includes links to other linguists' and teachers' blogs; to the AQA exam specification we currently use for A level (first link); and the Lesson Blog which archives a couple of years' worth of lesson from a previous specification.

We will set up a Google Classroom, for any submissions and other more secure files, which you'll have to log in to access, using your college Google @chrome account. I'll let you know the code for this Google Classroom via college email, and SMS.

The Blog here and the Lesson Blogs will be freely available. I'm considering whether to mainly post things on the Blogs, or via Classroom.

All the best and don't hesitate to get in touch!